Customer testimonial

How Poppe + Potthoff identifies optimization potential across locations

Find out how Poppe + Potthoff uses MONDAY.ROCKS to improve cross-location networking and identify optimization potential in collaboration.


“With the team management software, we were able to identify optimization potential and weak points in our collaboration in order to improve them with the well-founded recommendations for action from MONDAY.ROCKS. We were able to see a positive development after just a short time.”

Marc Vollmer

Referent Recruiting and HR development l Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

“I can talk to the teams about the problems that really lead to a lack of motivation without having to hear about them myself. As the owner and boss, it’s not always easy to get answers. With MOnDAY.ROCKS, we can clearly see where we need to start in order to make our teams work more effectively.”

Dr. Christian Potthoff-Sewing

Managing Director | Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

Starting point


Our mission - your advantage

Our mission is to facilitate leadership and develop teams through precise leadership suggestions and team measures. Marc Vollmer tells you about the successes achieved with the team management software.

Poppe + Potthoff has a total of 1500 employees, 18 production plants and 9 branches.

Poppe und Potthoff Gebäude

Interview with Marc Vollmer

Why did you decide to introduce MONDAY.ROCKS?

Poppe + Potthoff GmbH now has more than 1,500 employees. It is almost impossible to always know what is going well or not so well in the departments. With MONDAY.ROCKS, we can promote the development of the teams in a targeted manner. With regular queries and analyses, we can identify specific needs and overcome challenges with the right measures. For example, the team management software has helped us to break down silos. In general, we have noticed an improvement in collaboration in the business units and across the Group since the introduction. As a result, an attractive and motivated working culture has been established.

What added value do you see in the current application?

With the team management software, we have succeeded in identifying optimization potential and weak points in collaboration. To this end, team members are surveyed as part of the potential analysis. As the survey is anonymous, we can rely on honest feedback that reveals the actual challenges. Some of the resulting recommendations for action can be implemented very quickly. This gives managers a compass for the points they can work on to improve team collaboration. The individual business units become comparable for the first time and group-wide issues, problems and weak points can be identified. The impact is immediately apparent in the follow-up surveys.

What particularly inspired you?

Right from the beginning, we were impressed by the excellent and close cooperation. The direct coordination of topics and the preparation of discussions ensured that we were able to use the software quickly and see a positive development within a short period of time. The impact of the results was felt by all participants and on team performance.

Want to find out more?
Start your free demo now.

We would be happy to show you MONDAY.ROCKS in a personal demo, guide you through the app's functions and answer your questions. It only takes 25 minutes and is completely non-binding and free of charge. We look forward to getting to know you!

About Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

Poppe + Potthoff GmbH is a company from Werther in East Westphalia. Founded in 1928 by Friedrich Poppe and Herman Potthoff, the company employs around 1,500 people and achieved a turnover of 225 million euros in 2018. In addition to its headquarters and a technology center in Werther, Poppe + Potthoff operates other locations in Germany and abroad, including Hungary, France and Singapore.

Logo Poppe und Potthoff

Live Webinar

Führungskräfte am Limit: Warum HR jetzt handeln muss

58% der Führungskräfte sind erschöpft – eine alarmierende Entwicklung. Gemeinsam analysieren wir die Ursachen von Überlastung mit präsentieren praxisnahe Lösungen für HR.

25. Februar 2025, 14:00 – 14:45 Uhr