Get started now!

Select the case that best suits the challenges of your teams. This will give you an insight into the development of a comparable team that is already working with the Leadership App.

Flyouts guide you through the most important areas of the app - from potential analysis to leadership impulses and team architecture.

Experience the app through the eyes of a team leader. 


Is your company facing a structural change? Then this case is the right choice for you.


Do you want more productivity in your teams? Then select this case.

Want to find out more?
Start your free demo now.

We would be happy to show you MONDAY.ROCKS in a personal demo, guide you through the app's functions and answer your questions. It only takes 25 minutes and is completely non-binding and free of charge. We look forward to getting to know you!

Book a Demo   only 25 minutes

Live Webinar

Führungskräfte am Limit: Warum HR jetzt handeln muss

58% der Führungskräfte sind erschöpft – eine alarmierende Entwicklung. Gemeinsam analysieren wir die Ursachen von Überlastung mit präsentieren praxisnahe Lösungen für HR.

25. Februar 2025, 14:00 – 14:45 Uhr