Team management and its challenges


Daily business vs. team management: Today, managers face significant challenges. They have to do their own work and at the same time push the development of the teams. They feel the pressure to achieve the strategic goals. This pressure is then passed on to the team members by the managers. At the same time, they want to be liked by the team members.  

Team management caught between management and employees 

Nearly 40 percent of managers plan to leave their careers. Managers are overwhelmed because they do not have enough time to master all the challenges. Therefore, they are forced to set priorities to avoid being drowned in the flood of tasks. As a result, team management usually suffers and only takes place on the side, if at all.

Team development is an indispensable process to remain in the market. Besides professional development, teams should also be encouraged to work together so that challenges can be mastered and goals achieved without conflicts arising and fronts hardening. 

Bad team management = Bad organization

Different problems can arise during teamwork. Identifying these problems is very complex and time-consuming. Leaders do not have this time. We often see that seminars, personnel development, and team building measurements are applied without a thorough examination of the actual need. The available team development budget is not used in a targeted manner where it is really needed and could have an effect. 

The key to successful team management

The right team management is crucial for success. Companies should therefore try to make life easier for managers. To choose the right kind of team management and targeted actions for a team, it is important to understand the team and its composition. In this context, team management tools can act as translators of the team. An analysis of collaboration can be easily implemented through app-based surveys of all employees in the team context. 

Team management suggestions and action steps that are precisely adapted to the challenges of their team.  This allows managers to understand at a glance how effectively the team is working together, and causes for challenges are quickly identified. The MONDAY.ROCKS app uses data-based insights from over 1000 teams, making recipes for success from similar teams easy and quick to apply. 

Analyze team composition and collaboration with MONDAY.ROCKS to facilitate management and evolve teams through precise management suggestions and team actions.  

Learn more → 

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