The benefits of shared leadership 

Shared Leadership

Usually, each Team has one Manager, but work procedures are becoming more and more complex. Nowadays, it is very ineffective to give all the responsibilities into one person’s hands. Shared Leadership is a modern approach to getting work done more efficiently.

Increased business success with team roles

It involves distributing the leadership tasks that would otherwise lie concentrated in the hands of one manager among the team. The team roles can be determined thanks to the team leadership software, which is the basis for the distribution of leadership roles. 

What advantage does shared leadership offer over the classic one-man leadership method? The new study by Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch and the IFPM – Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management – University of St. Gallen shows that shared leadership boosts energy, innovative strength and corporate success. 

The study, for which data from more than 26,000 respondents from 160 companies were examined, reveals the following: shared leadership should not replace traditional forms of leadership, but complement them. Shared leadership can only unfold its full potential with transformational, inspiring leadership from above. 

What matters

For shared leadership to really work, the following points should be considered: 

  • Team roles, which can be determined using app-based surveys, form the base of shared leadership. 
  • It should be clear to everyone in the team that the classic leadership role is not being abandoned, but will continue and be expanded to include new aspects.  
  • Enough time should be planned for the implementation of this leadership style. A team leadership software can support here. 
  • It is only possible when the team trusts each other and agrees on common goals and values. 
Shared leadership using team analytics

This method offers many benefits, especially in these dynamic times. Its success depends on the correct implementation and distribution of leadership roles. This is where MONDAY.ROCKS team leadership software can support: 

For this purpose, employees are analyzed individually in the team context using value-centered questions. These are not questions about skills or competencies. 

Thanks to the evaluation of the questions, it is possible to identify the innovators, customer-centric thinkers, and strong implementers in an organization and, from this, the leadership roles that can ideally be adopted.  

Identify team challenges and facilitate team leadership through data-driven suggestions with MONDAY.ROCKS.

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Die Power von Shared Leadership – Von geteilter Führung profitieren
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Die Power von Shared Leadership – Von geteilter Führung profitieren
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